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We have developed a new class of sensitive infrared photodetectors based on the group
III - doped IV-VI semiconductors.
Recent Results
There are several types of photodetectors available that
are based on different physical principles:
- Operating wavelength > 100 µm.
Operating temperature (4.2 - 15) K.
Detector area slices up to 20 mm in diameter.
Operating rate up to 100 kHz.
Current responsivity (at 3 Hz operating rate) 109 A/W NEP 2*10-16 W
(defined by sensitivity of measuring equipment, operating rate 3 Hz, detector area 0.3*0.2
- Operating wavelength (3-5.5) µm.
Operating temperature (60 - 160) K.
Operating rate up to 10 kHz.
Realization of the BLIP regime.
- Operating wavelength > 500 µm.
Operating temperature (60 - 70) K.
Operating rate up to 10 kHz.
The characteristic features of these materials providing high photodetector parameters
are the following:
- Extremely high spatial homogeneity and time stability of the photodetectors, absolute
reproducibility of the basic material properties.
- Realization of a semiinsulating state of material at low temperatures; - possibility of
tuning of the photogenerated electron lifetime in wide range (10-5-104)
s by means of temperature and alloy composition variation.
- Possibility of fast quenching (for 10-5 s) of accumulated photosignal in the
persistent photoconductivity regime, when the electron lifetime is high (up to 104
s); - quantum efficiency of the photodetector may be increased up to ( 102 in
some special regime of the persistent photoconductivity quenching.
- Extremely high stability with respect to the action of hard radiation (dozes up to 1017
cm-2, it is at least by 4 orders of magnitude higher than for ordinary
- Spatial stability of the infrared image: the photoexcited free electrons do not diffuse
out of the region of generation; - well developed technology of both bulk and epitaxial
growth of materials.
Relative key publications:
1. S.N.Chesnokov, D.E.Dolzhenko, I.I.Ivanchik, D.R.Khokhlov. Far infrared
high-performance lead telluride-based photodetectors for space-born applications. Infrared
Phys., 35 23 (1994).
2. B.A.Akimov, N.B.Brandt, L.I.Ryabova, D.R.Khokhlov. A new type of material with high
photosensitivity for optoelectronics and infrared technology. J. Advanced Mater., 1
13 (1994).
3. B.A.Akimov, D.R.Khokhlov. Lead telluride-based photodetectors: a new approach.
Semicond. Sci. Technol., 8 S349 (1993).
Contact person:Dmitriy Khokhlov