| | Irradiation-induced defects
Examples of publications:
- E.P.Skipetrov, E.A.Zvereva, B.B.Kovalev, L.A.Skipetrova. "Pressure-induced
insulator-metal transition in electron-irradiated Pb1-xSnxSe
(x<0.03) alloys".
Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn., 1998, v.32, N6,
p.663-667 [Semiconductors, 1998, v.32, N6, p.594-598].
E.P.Skipetrov, B.B.Kovalev, L.A.Skipetrova, E.A.Zvereva. "Energy
spectrum and the nature of irradiation-induced defects in Pb1-xSnxSe
alloys with inverse band structure".
Semicond. Sci. Technol., 1998, v.13, N10, p.1134-1139 .
Impurity-induced states
Examples of publications:
- E.P.Skipetrov. "Stabilization of the donor action of gallium in
electron-irradiated Pb1-xSnxTe alloys". Fiz.
Tekh. Poluprovodn., 1995, v.29, N8, p.1416-1424 [Semiconductors, 1995, v.29, N8,

- E.P.Skipetrov, N.A.Chernova, E.I.Slyn'ko, Yu.K.Vygranenko. "Energy
spectrum and parameters of deep impurity level in Pb1-xGexTe
alloys doped with Yb".
Phys. Rev. B, 1999, v.59, N20, p.12928-12934.
- E.Skipetrov, E.Zvereva, L.Skipetrova, E.Slyn'ko. “Impurity-induced
photoconductivity in gallium-doped Pb1-xGexTe alloys”.
Physica B: Cond. Mat., 2001, v.302-303, N1-4,
High-pressure spectroscopy of defect states
Examples of publications:
- N.B.Brandt, E.P.Skipetrov. "High-pressure spectroscopy of deep states
induced by electron irradiation in A4B6 semiconductors:
(A Review)". Fiz. Nizk. Temp., 1996, v.22, N8, p.870-891 [ Low Temp.
Phys., 1996, v.22, N8, p.665-682.]

- E.P.Skipetrov, N.A.Chernova. "Parameters of Yb-induced deep level in Pb1-xGexTe
doped with Yb".
Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 1999, v.211,
N1, p.171-175.
Impurity-induced magnetism
Examples of publications:
N.A.Chernova, L.A.Skipetrova, A.V.Golubev, E.I.Slyn’ko. “Magnetic and
electric properties of impurity states in Pb1-xGexTe
doped with ytterbium”.
Proceedings Fall Meeting of Material
Research Society, Boston, Massachusetts, USA,
E.P.Skipetrov, N.A.Chernova, L.A.Skipetrova, A.V.Golubev, E.I.Slyn'ko.
"Magnetic properties of Pb1-xGexTe alloys doped with ytterbium".
Fiz.Tekh. Poluprovodn., 2001, v.35, N11, p.1306-1308. [Semiconductors, 2001,
v.35, N11, p.1249-1251.]