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 L.D. Structures


Main directions of research:


  • Prof. V. A. Kulbachinskii,
  • Dr. V.G. Kytin,
  • Dr. R.A. Lunin,
  • A.V. Golikov,
  • A.V. Demin,
  • M.O. Zabezailov.

Tools for research available in the lab

  • Conventional 4-probe resistivity measurements in the temperature range 0.3 K< T < 300 K:
  • low-resistivity materials (R < 106 Ohm )
  • high resistivity materials (106 Ohm < R <1013 Ohm)
  • Dilution refrigerator “S.H.E. corporation” for temperature range 10mK < T < 4.2K with a magnetic fields up to 6 Tesla.
  • Superconducting solenoid with magnetic fields up to 11.5 Tesla.
  • Spectrometer with wave length 685 nm < l < 1120 nm.
  • Pressure chamber for resistivity measurements in the temperature range 0.1 K < T < 300K in magnetic fields up to 11.5 Tesla.
  • Set up for contactless measurements of superconducting transitions.
  • Set up for thermopower measurements in the temperature range 4.2 K < T < 300 K.